莎兰•汉考克 大师亲授25堂权力关系课:关系中的自我与亲密插图






  • 00.武志红推荐:如何拥有既能独立又能亲密的关系?.pdf
  • Introduction to power.mp3
  • Introduction to power.pdf
  • 什么是权力?.mp3
  • 什么是权力?.pdf
  • Difference between positive and negative power.mp3
  • Difference between positive and negative power.pdf
  • 负向权力 VS 正向权力.mp3
  • 负向权力 VS 正向权力.pdf
  • Power dynamics in relationship and how they get set up.mp3
  • Power dynamics in relationshipand how they get set up.pdf
  • 浪漫关系中的权力之争.mp3
  • 浪漫关系中的权力之争.pdf
  • Explanation of the different power dynamics.mp3
  • Explanation of the different power dynamics.pdf
  • 浪漫斗争的三种动态.mp3
  • 浪漫斗争的三种动态.pdf
  • The importance of shame when working with power, one up and one down power dynamics.mp3
  • The importance of shame when working with power, one up and one down power dynamics.pdf
  • 自大是羞耻的另一个名字.mp3
  • 自大是羞耻的另一个名字.pdf
  • The shame dynamics.. shame and grandiosity.. working with disempowerment and false empowerment.mp3
  • The shame dynamics.. shame and grandiosity.. working with disempowerment and false empowerment.pdf
  • 虚假赋权=虚假浪漫.mp3
  • 虚假赋权=虚假浪漫.pdf
  • On healing shame and grandiosity.mp3
  • On healing shame and grandiosity.pdf
  • 疗愈羞耻的伤痛.mp3
  • 疗愈羞耻的伤痛.pdf
  • Practice session.  coming to the body and coming to the moment power of awareness.mp3
  • Practice session.  coming to the body and coming to the moment power of awareness.pdf
  • 疗愈练习:回归身体,连接觉知的力量.mp3
  • 疗愈练习:回归身体,连接觉知的力量.pdf
  • Healing through needs and boundaries.mp3
  • Healing through needs and boundaries.pdf
  • 疗愈羞耻:需求与界限.mp3
  • 疗愈羞耻:需求与界限.pdf
  • Power of feminine energy.mp3
  • Power of feminine energy.pdf
  • 阴性能量的力量.mp3
  • 阴性能量的力量.pdf
  • Power of masculine energy.mp3
  • Power of masculine energy.pdf
  • 阳性能量的力量.mp3
  • 阳性能量的力量.pdf
  • Power of male and female energy together.mp3
  • Power of male and female energy together.pdf
  • 阴阳能量结合的力量.mp3
  • 阴阳能量结合的力量.pdf
  • power of female sexual energy.mp3
  • power of female sexual energy.pdf
  • 13.阴性性能量的力量.mp3
  • 13.阴性性能量的力量.pdf
  • power of male sexual energy.mp3
  • power of male sexual energy.pdf
  • 14.阳性性能量的力量.mp3
  • 14.阳性性能量的力量.pdf
  • power of male and female sexual energy together.mp3
  • power of male and female sexual energy together.pdf
  • 15.两性性能量结合的力量.mp3
  • 15.两性性能量结合的力量.pdf
  • 练习带领.mp3
  • 练习带领.pdf
  • working with animus and anima, the masculine and feminine spirit.mp3
  • working with animus and anima, the masculine and feminine spirit.pdf
  • 17.阿尼玛与阿尼玛斯:男性精神与女性精神.mp3
  • 17.阿尼玛与阿尼玛斯:男性精神与女性精神.pdf
  • understanding the shadow and the rejected or disowned self.mp3
  • understanding the shadow and the rejected or disowned self.pdf
  • 18.理解阴影自我,理解被拒绝被否认的自我.mp3
  • 18.理解阴影自我,理解被拒绝被否认的自我.pdf
  • healing the forbidden emotions, anger, grief and depression.mp3
  • healing the forbidden emotions, anger, grief and depression.pdf
  • 19.疗愈被禁止的情绪:愤怒、悲伤、抑郁.mp3
  • 19.疗愈被禁止的情绪:愤怒、悲伤、抑郁.pdf
  • integrating and embracing the shadow.. moving towards wholeness.mp3
  • 20.整合阴影,拥抱阴影,走向完整自我.mp3
  • accepting responsibility for oneself and moving to adulthood, letting go of the past embracing the present.mp3
  • accepting responsibility for oneself and moving to adulthood, letting go of the past embracing the present.pdf
  • 21.接受对自己的责任,迈向成年,放下过去,拥抱现在.mp3
  • 21.接受对自己的责任,迈向成年,放下过去,拥抱现在.pdf
  • practice session.mp3
  • practice session.pdf
  • 22.练习带领.mp3
  • 22.练习带领.pdf
  • 23 how to be an adult in relationships.. understanding mature intimacy..mp3
  • 23 how to be an adult in relationships.. understanding mature intimacy..pdf
  • 23 how to be an adult in relationships.. understanding mature intimacy.pdf
  • 如何在亲密关系中做一个成年人?如何理解成熟的亲密关系?.mp3
  • 如何在亲密关系中做一个成年人?如何理解成熟的亲密关系?.pdf
  • the power of finding your purpose in life and mature healthy self expression..mp3
  • the power of finding your purpose in life and mature healthy self expression.pdf
  • 寻找人生目标的力量,成熟健康的自我表达.mp3
  • 寻找人生目标的力量,成熟健康的自我表达.pdf
  • 25 celebrating the power and energy of love and life and contributing your unique gift.mp3
  • 25 celebrating the power and energy of love and life and contributing your unique gift.pdf
  • 庆祝爱与生命的力量和能量,贡献个人独特天赋.mp3
  • 庆祝爱与生命的力量和能量,贡献个人独特天赋.pdf
  • (英文版) 发刊词.mp3
  • (英文版) 发刊词.pdf
  • (中文版)发刊词.mp3
  • (中文版)发刊词.pdf

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